
Why Holding Through a 100x Increase Can Be Harder Than Holding Through a 99% Decrease

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Investing in cryptocurrencies can be a rollercoaster ride. Prices can swing wildly, and it can be difficult to know when to buy, hold, or sell. However, there is a psychological phenomenon that makes it harder for investors to hold onto their assets after they have risen 100x in value, compared to when they have decreased in value by 99%. This phenomenon is due to the different ways our brains process gains and losses.

The Impact of Loss Aversion on Crypto Investing

Research has shown that losses typically have a stronger emotional impact than gains. In other words, people tend to experience more regret or pain from losing money than they feel pleasure or satisfaction from making money. This psychological phenomenon is known as loss aversion, and it can have a significant effect on how investors approach decision making.

Holding Onto Assets After a Big Gain

When investors hold an asset that has increased in value 100x, they may feel a sense of euphoria and excitement. However, this feeling can be short-lived if they begin to worry that the asset will lose value and their gains will disappear. This fear can be intensified by the fact that they have gained so much in such a short period of time, making them feel like they have more to lose.

Why Investors Hold Onto Assets After a Big Loss

On the other hand, when an asset has decreased in value by 99%, the investor may feel like they have less to lose and be more willing to hold onto the asset in the hopes of a recovery. In this situation, the investor may be more likely to hold onto the asset because they believe that it can only go up from here. This mindset can be reinforced by the fact that they have lost so much, making them feel like they have already hit rock bottom.

Strategies for Avoiding Loss Aversion

So what can investors do to avoid falling prey to loss aversion? One strategy is to set clear goals and stick to them. For example, if an investor sets a goal of selling a certain percentage of their assets after a 50x increase, they can avoid the emotional turmoil of deciding whether to hold or sell after a 100x increase. Another strategy is to focus on the long-term and avoid getting caught up in short-term gains or losses. This can help investors avoid the emotional swings that come with rapid price movements.


In conclusion, understanding the psychological phenomenon of loss aversion can help investors make more informed and rational decisions about their cryptocurrency investments. By setting clear goals and focusing on the long-term, investors can avoid the emotional turmoil that comes with rapid price movements and make more effective decisions about buying, holding, or selling their assets.

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